Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Mr. Williamson:

This is my fifth year at Eagle Grove High School, and fifteenth year in education. I teach American History and American Government and serve as the activities director for EGHS.  I am currently in graduate school working on my K-12 Administration degree, I'm on pace to graduate in May 2015.

I'm on a journey in my classroom, moving from "teacher centered" instruction to more "student centered" instruction. This shift in philosophy has led me to introduce a more performance based approach to my classes and an emphasis on standards based grading.

While it's definitely safe to say I'm not where I want to be, I have to remind myself that I'm not where I used to be either...I call that growth.

Here's a few samples of some of my students recent work:

American Government: Students worked in teams on a project with the goal to bring stability to the middle east. Here's a sample of one groups work...

Pass Word: Eagles

American History: Students worked in teams on a project with the goal of understanding America's migration west during the 1800's in a way that made connections to today's world. Here's a sample of one groups work...    


In doing these projects, it's been fun and rewarding to see the students think critically, solve problems, make judgements and decisions, and be creative in the learning process. Even better, the added emphasis on technology and 21st Century Skills has given me a shot in the arm both as an educator and future administrator...you can teach and old dog new tricks!

I'm thankful for our staff and students, and to have a career I love. What a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young people.

Students working on their model and website for their Am. History "Go West" project

Students filming their movie trailer, "The Donner Party." Soon to be out on DVD & Blue Ray!

Staff Sergeant Travis Blunck of the US Army in class providing perspective and expertise for Am. Government students working on their Middle East project

Am. Government students working together on Middle East project

Contact Information:
Email: kwilliamson@eagle-grove.k12.ia.us
Twitter: @savedballcoach
Wix: kwilliamson5.wix.com/kelly-williamson

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